School Based Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists Webinar Series 196914 Online Course
TExES Bilingual Education Supplemental (164) 214372 - 02/08/2025 Professional Development Online Session.
Please note the time of the session is Central Standard Time!
This Bilingual E...
CTE 209248 - 02/08/2025 Professional Development Career and technical education programs offer a sequence of courses that provides students with cohe...
Child Nutrition 214818 - 02/10/2025 Professional Development You understand and acknowledge that the training you are about to receive does not cover the entire ...
Migrant Education Program 214938 - 02/10/2025 Professional Development The goal of the Migrant Education Program is to ensure that all migrant students reach challenging a...
Bus Driver Certification 214242 - 02/10/2025 Professional Development School Bus Driver Safety Certification Training-- state-mandated program to provide training to bus...
Advancing Educational Leadership (AEL) 209126 - 02/11/2025 Professional Development The Texas Education Agency & ESC-Region 13 have collaborated to design a new professional developmen...
Texas Dyslexia Academy 4: From Child Find through the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) Committee Process 211488 Online Course 1/16/2024 ONLINE
Vision Certification - TDHS - Healthcare 215185 - 02/11/2025 Professional Development The primary purpose for vision screening is to detect existing or potential vision problems that may...
English as a Second Language Supplemental 154 ONLINE 214467 - 02/11/2025 Professional Development Please note, this session is set at Central Standard Time
This English as a Second Language test pr...
Stronger Connections 213755 - 02/11/2025 Professional Development Stronger Connections
DEMYSTIFYING STAAR ALT 2: UNDERSTANDING PARTICIPATION AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES 215413 Online Course Join us for an informative and interactive session. This session is designed to provide educators wi...
TexQuest + Digital Tools= Powerful Projects and Assessments 211931 Online Course TexQuest
Spinal Certification - TDHS (Zoom) 214677 - 02/12/2025 Virtual PD School-based spinal screening helps to identify adolescents with abnormal spinal curves and refer th...
Hearing Certification - TDHS - Healthcare 215186 - 02/12/2025 Professional Development Early detection of hearing loss is very important to a child's development. Hearing is essential fo...
MTSS Training 211169 - 02/12/2025 Professional Development This training is specifically for SPED goal #3 and supports the development of MTSS for district sch...
G/T Models of Differentiated Instruction for GT Students 210808 - 02/12/2025 Professional Development Explore effective models of differentiated instruction in the classroom that address content, pacing...
PACA - Principal Alternative Certification Program 215258 - 02/12/2025 Professional Development The Principal Alternative Certification Program is intended to aid districts in filling Texas School...
Migrant Advisory Council Meeting (MAC) Online Zoom Meeting 215600 Online Course Migrant Advisory Council is a regional Committee that meets to advocate for migrant students and fam...
Curriculum & Instruction Network - Zoom Meeting 214820 Online Course Curriculum & Instruction Network has been designed to provide a forum for district level representat...
Child Nutrition 215431 - 02/13/2025 Professional Development You understand and acknowledge that the training you are about to receive does not cover the entire ...
Transition Strategies - 3 Training Sessions 214134 - 02/13/2025 Professional Development Transition assessments are essential in the transition planning process, following federal and state...
ESC 19 Dyslexia Network Meeting .- ONLINE 211200 Online Course In these virtual sessions participants will receive information received from TEA and other dyslexia...
Mexican American Studies (MAS): Comunidad de aprendizaje 210854 - 02/13/2025 Professional Development Free Session.
YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID 210348 - 02/13/2025 Professional Development Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to instruct teachers, school staff, parents, and family me...
Autism Inclusion and Strategies for Promoting Independence ( by: Texas A&M University) 215230 - 02/13/2025 Professional Development This session will focus on effective strategies for supporting students with autism in the classroom...
Stronger Connections 215141 - 02/13/2025 Professional Development Stronger Connections
ESC R19 - PEIMS Coordinator Network Updates 215658 Online Course ESC will meet with all District PEIMS Coordinators to inform them on all new areas of concern with r...
Designing Effective & Ethical Evaluation for Students Who Speak Languages in Addition to English 211825 Online Course This session will cover strategies for collecting and interpreting data when evaluating students
SPED Meeting 210636 - 02/14/2025 Professional Development SPED Meeting
Composition and Grammar with STAAR Strategies 214507 - 02/17/2025 Professional Development This six-hour workshop will provide instruction in integrating reading, language arts,
and grammar ...
CTE 209042 - 02/18/2025 Professional Development Career and technical education programs offer a sequence of courses that provides students with cohe...
Social and Personal Competencies 209292 - 02/18/2025 Professional Development In this training, participants learn the current context of student mental health, the relationship ...
Child Nutrition 215432 - 02/18/2025 Professional Development You understand and acknowledge that the training you are about to receive does not cover the entire ...
STAAR 2025 Math Review Planning 214457 - 02/18/2025 Professional Development PD will include:
Creating STAAR Review Journals
Application strategies for STAAR Review
Child Nutrition 215226 - 02/18/2025 Professional Development You understand and acknowledge that the training you are about to receive does not cover the entire ...
Bus Driver Certification 214243 - 02/18/2025 Professional Development School Bus Driver Safety Certification Training-- state-mandated program to provide training to bus...
Stronger Connections 214976 - 02/18/2025 Professional Development Stronger Connections
TELPAS Alt Overview 215381 Online Course New to administering the TELPAS-Alt or need a refresher? This session will provide information rega...
Storyboarding in the Social Studies Classroom with TEKS RS and the Four Question Method (4QM) 211898 - 02/19/2025 Professional Development TEKS RS + 4QM = Storyboarding session.
Analyzing the RLA STAAR Released Test 211901 - 02/19/2025 Professional Development 3rd - 5th grade
Migrant Parent Advisory Council Meeting & Meaningful Consultation 215224 - 02/19/2025 Professional Development The Migrant Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is an advisory group composed of migrant parents and migra...
Empowering Your Child with Assistive Technology: Using Grants and Resources 214071 - 02/19/2025 Professional Development Join us to explore how Assistive Technology can support your child's learning and development. Learn...
TELPAS Alt Overview 215383 Online Course New to administering the TELPAS-Alt or need a refresher? This session will provide information rega...
DEMYSTIFYING STAAR ALT 2: UNDERSTANDING PARTICIPATION AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES 215414 Online Course Join us for an informative and interactive session. This session is designed to provide educators wi...
Research Based Instructional Strategies in RLA 213703 - 02/20/2025 Professional Development The RBIS in RLA includes foundational skills, text complexity, building knowledge, and text-based re...
Analyzing the RLA STAAR Released Test 211902 - 02/20/2025 Professional Development 3rd - 5th grade
TEKS RS Virtual Manipulatives 209077 - 02/20/2025 Professional Development Participants will navigate the virtual manipulatives in TEKS RS math. Participants will dive in dep...
EMPOWERING ALL LEARNERS: A Deep Dive into the 3 Principles of Universal Design for Learning 213669 - 02/20/2025 Professional Development Overview:
This engaging three-part workshop series is designed for K-12 teachers who want to enhanc...
TEKS Resource System 2/20/2025 207844 - 02/20/2025 Professional Development Planning for Biliteracy TEKS RS Units using SLAR/ELAR side by side
ESC R19 - PEIMS Coordinator Network Updates 215465 Online Course ESC will meet with all District PEIMS Coordinators to inform them on all new areas of concern with r...
DEMYSTIFYING STAAR ALT 2: UNDERSTANDING PARTICIPATION AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES 215415 Online Course Join us for an informative and interactive session. This session is designed to provide educators wi...
190 Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test Cohorts 214379 - 02/22/2025 Professional Development Online Session.
Please note the time of the session is Central Standard Time!
Participants in this...
CTE Professional Learning for Administrators – Fundamental: Data-Driven Decision Making 213773 - 02/24/2025 Professional Development : Using a CTE lens while maintaining relevance to the overall success of students, Data-Driven
STAAR 2025 Math Review Planning 214450 - 02/24/2025 Professional Development PD will include:
Creating STAAR Review Journals
Application strategies for STAAR Review
Research Based Instructional Strategies in Mathematics 213680 - 02/25/2025 Professional Development As part of a broader strategy to significantly increase the number of students in Texas who
have ac...
ESC 19 Counselor Academy 214884 - 02/25/2025 Professional Development The Counselor Academy is geared towards counselors with less than 3 years of experience, but all are...
Navigating Small Group Reading Instruction 214345 - 02/25/2025 Professional Development This session is an interactive training where teachers will experience small group literacy for Tier...
CTE Professional Learning for Administrators – Fundamental: Partnerships 213774 - 02/25/2025 Professional Development Partnerships are a key component of successful CTE programs. In this module, participants will explo...
Standards-Based IEP Process 214657 Online Course In order to ensure increased achievement and access to the general curriculum for students with disa...
ESC 19 Counselor Academy 214885 - 02/25/2025 Professional Development The Counselor Academy is geared towards counselors with less than 3 years of experience, but all are...
Culturally Linguistic Responsive Practices 213604 - 02/26/2025 Professional Development This session is designed for teachers, administrators, district staff, to guide educators in underst...
Human Trafficking Youth Prevention Education (HTYPE) ToT STAFF Training 213165 - 02/26/2025 Professional Development The Texas Education Agency (TEA) amended its child abuse prevention,
mandatory reporting, and educa...
Migrant Parent Advisory Council Meeting & Meaningful Consultation 215225 - 02/26/2025 Professional Development The Migrant Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is an advisory group composed of migrant parents and migra...
Private Non-Profit - In Person 211298 - 02/26/2025 Professional Development Private Non-Profit Initial Consultation to receive funds under ESSA Title I, Part A; Title I, Part C...
Analyzing the RLA STAAR Released Test 211903 - 02/26/2025 Professional Development 3rd - 5th grade
STAAR 2025 Math Review Planning 214452 - 02/27/2025 Professional Development PD will include:
Creating STAAR Review Journals
Application strategies for STAAR Review
Mental and Behavioral Health Grant 215245 - 02/27/2025 Professional Development The ESC MHBH Grant PLCs are designed to build local expertise, training, resources, guidance, and ca...
STAAR 2025 Math Review Planning 214451 - 02/27/2025 Professional Development PD will include:
Creating STAAR Review Journals
Application strategies for STAAR Review
CIRCLE Preschool Early Language and Literacy 213766 - 02/27/2025 Professional Development The CIRCLE Preschool Early Language and Literacy translates research into practice through a variety...
Mental and Behavioral Health Grant 215246 - 02/27/2025 Professional Development The ESC MHBH Grant PLCs are designed to build local expertise, training, resources, guidance, and ca...
Migrant Parent Advisory Council Meeting & Meaningful Consultation 215179 - 02/28/2025 Professional Development The Migrant Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is an advisory group composed of migrant parents and migra...
PDNPER ESC19 + UTEP Regional Bilingualism Meeting 215506 - 02/28/2025 Professional Development This partnership is a collaborative approach to conduct research in the borderland school communitie...
TExES Bilingual Education Supplemental (164) 214378 - 03/01/2025 Professional Development Online Session.
Please note the time of the session is Central Standard Time!
This Bilingual E...
TEKS RS: Writing Across the Curriculum 207880 - 03/03/2025 Professional Development Writing Across the Curriculum
English as a Second Language Supplemental 154 ONLINE 214468 - 03/03/2025 Professional Development Please note, this session is set at Central Standard Time
This English as a Second Language test pr...
Secondary Reading- Multi- Tiered System of Supports 213606 - 03/04/2025 Professional Development 2/8/2024
T-TESS Appraiser Training (3-Day Series) 209127 - 03/04/2025 Professional Development This three-day, TEA required training is for appraisers of teachers. This session will introduce ap...
MTSS Training 211170 - 03/04/2025 Professional Development This training is specifically for SPED goal #3 and supports the development of MTSS for district sch...
190 Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test Cohorts 214381 - 03/04/2025 Professional Development Online Session.
Please note the time of the session is Central Standard Time!
Participants in this...
3rd-5th Writing Across the Curriculum Using TEKS RS 207806 - 03/05/2025 Professional Development TEKS RS
CTE Professional Learning for Administrators – Fundamental: Program Design 213775 - 03/05/2025 Professional Development The Program Design module will allow participants to use a design-thinking mindset to develop CTE pr...
G/T Creative and Critical Thinking 210809 - 03/05/2025 Professional Development Learn new tools for creating challenging learning experiences that develop students' creative and cr...
CTE Professional Learning for School Counselors: Deep Dive 215194 - 03/05/2025 Professional Development The Deep Dive learning path encourages a more in-depth look at CTE and provides opportunities for le...
190 Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test Cohorts 214387 - 03/05/2025 Professional Development Online Session.
Please note the time of the session is Central Standard Time!
Participants in this...
Bilingual Educators Network/TETN with TEA Division of Emergent Bilingual Support Webinar 210573 - 03/06/2025 Professional Development Monthly hosed webinars with TEA Division of Emergent Bilingual Support followed up with the opportun...
CTE Professional Learning for Administrators – Fundamental: CTE Resources 213776 - 03/06/2025 Professional Development The CTE Resources module provides an overview of many key components of CTE programs—time, fin...
Admin Corner & Content Updates 208859 Online Course Online session.
2024-2025 TEKS Resource System Elementary Math 207814 - 03/06/2025 Professional Development Backwards Design with TEKS RS for elementary mathematics.
TExES Bilingual Education Supplemental (164) 214380 - 03/07/2025 Professional Development Online Session.
Please note the time of the session is Central Standard Time!
This Bilingual E...
SPED Meeting 210639 - 03/07/2025 Professional Development SPED Meeting
Learn & Thrive New CTE Teacher Workshop 214542 - 03/17/2025 Professional Development This workshop is designed to help teachers with less than 5 years of experience gain a deeper knowle...
CTE 209043 - 03/18/2025 Professional Development Career and technical education programs offer a sequence of courses that provides students with cohe...
Mexican American Studies (MAS): Comunidad de aprendizaje 210855 - 03/18/2025 Professional Development Free Session.
Human Trafficking Youth Prevention Education (HTYPE) ToT STAFF Training 213169 - 03/18/2025 Professional Development The Texas Education Agency (TEA) amended its child abuse prevention,
mandatory reporting, and educa...
Texas Dyslexia Academy 5: Screening for Dyslexia 211489 Online Course Texas Dyslexia
Spinal Certification - TDHS (Zoom) 214678 - 03/19/2025 Virtual PD School-based spinal screening helps to identify adolescents with abnormal spinal curves and refer th...
ACEs and Trauma: The Effects on Student Learning 209074 - 03/19/2025 Professional Development Discover the profound impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and trauma on student learning ...
Title I, Part A 211423 - 03/19/2025 Professional Development Training will provide guidance and support regarding the Title I, Part A - LEA Requirements under ES...
2024-2025 TEKS Resource System Elementary Math 207815 - 03/19/2025 Professional Development Backwards Design with TEKS RS for elementary mathematics.
Transition Strategies - 3 Training Sessions 214135 - 03/20/2025 Professional Development Transition assessments are essential in the transition planning process, following federal and state...
English as a Second Language Supplemental 154 ONLINE 214471 - 03/20/2025 Professional Development Please note, this session is set at Central Standard Time
This English as a Second Language test pr...
Navigating Transition in ARD Meetings: What to Expect as Your Child Approaches High School 214073 - 03/21/2025 Professional Development This session covers everything you need to know about the transition process in ARD meetings, starti...
English as a Second Language Supplemental 154 ONLINE 214473 - 03/22/2025 Professional Development Please note, this session is set at Central Standard Time
This English as a Second Language test pr...
190 Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test Cohorts 214389 - 03/22/2025 Professional Development Online Session.
Please note the time of the session is Central Standard Time!
Participants in this...
Partnering With Families Within PBIS 209293 - 03/25/2025 Professional Development In this training, participants build their understanding of positive behavioral interventions and su...
Human Trafficking Youth Prevention Education (HTYPE) ToT STAFF Training 213173 - 03/25/2025 Professional Development The Texas Education Agency (TEA) amended its child abuse prevention,
mandatory reporting, and educa...
English as a Second Language Supplemental 154 ONLINE 214475 - 03/25/2025 Professional Development Please note, this session is set at Central Standard Time
This English as a Second Language test pr...
Texas Dyslexia Academy 6: Dysgraphia 211490 Online Course Dysgraphia
Research Based Instructional Strategies in RLA 213704 - 03/26/2025 Professional Development The RBIS in RLA includes foundational skills, text complexity, building knowledge, and text-based re...
Question Quest: Crafting Powerful Questions for Transition Success 214611 - 03/26/2025 Professional Development Workshop Overview: This professional development session is designed to help educators create and ut...
Question Quest: Crafting Powerful Questions for Transition Success 214618 - 03/26/2025 Professional Development Workshop Overview: This professional development session is designed to help educators create and ut...
Breaking The Behavior Code 209050 - 03/27/2025 Professional Development When, despite their best efforts, teachers feel defeated by a disruptive student, it seems they're f...
YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID 210349 - 03/27/2025 Professional Development Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to instruct teachers, school staff, parents, and family me...
English as a Second Language Supplemental 154 ONLINE 214476 - 03/27/2025 Professional Development Please note, this session is set at Central Standard Time
This English as a Second Language test pr...
Bus Driver Certification 214244 - 03/31/2025 Professional Development School Bus Driver Safety Certification Training-- state-mandated program to provide training to bus...
Human Trafficking Youth Prevention Education (HTYPE) ToT STAFF Training 213175 - 04/01/2025 Professional Development The Texas Education Agency (TEA) amended its child abuse prevention,
mandatory reporting, and educa...
EMPOWERING ALL LEARNERS: A Deep Dive into the 3 Principles of Universal Design for Learning 213567 - 04/01/2025 Professional Development Overview:
This engaging three-part workshop series is designed for K-12 teachers who want to enhanc...
190 Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test Cohorts 214390 - 04/01/2025 Professional Development Online Session.
Please note the time of the session is Central Standard Time!
Participants in this...
The ABC's of FBA's and BIP's 209028 - 04/02/2025 Professional Development This workshop is an in-depth training on the tools and methods used in conducting Functional Behavio...
CTE Professional Learning for CTE Administrators: Deep Dive - Planning for a Comprehensive K-12 College and Career Readiness Program 213760 - 04/02/2025 Professional Development Planning for a Comprehensive K-12 College and Career Readiness Program allows participants to
YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID 210350 - 04/03/2025 Professional Development Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to instruct teachers, school staff, parents, and family me...
CTE Professional Learning for CTE Administrators: Deep Dive – Program Evaluation 213763 - 04/03/2025 Professional Development CTE Program Evaluation provides essential knowledge for CTE leaders to expand their CTE
programs to...
ESC 19 Counselor Academy 215117 - 04/03/2025 Professional Development The Counselor Academy is geared towards counselors with less than 3 years of experience, but all are...
English as a Second Language Supplemental 154 ONLINE 214477 - 04/03/2025 Professional Development Please note, this session is set at Central Standard Time
This English as a Second Language test pr...
ESC 19 Counselor Academy 215118 - 04/03/2025 Professional Development The Counselor Academy is geared towards counselors with less than 3 years of experience, but all are...
Understanding the PLAAFP: The Foundation of Your Child’s IEP 214075 - 04/04/2025 Professional Development This session dives into the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAF...
English as a Second Language Supplemental 154 ONLINE 214481 - 04/05/2025 Professional Development Please note, this session is set at Central Standard Time
This English as a Second Language test pr...
TExES Bilingual Education Supplemental (164) 214382 - 04/05/2025 Professional Development Online Session.
Please note the time of the session is Central Standard Time!
This Bilingual E...
Planning from the IFD K-2 207727 Online Course In this session, participants will be immersed in an in-depth study of the Instructional Focus Docum...
English as a Second Language Supplemental 154 ONLINE 214478 - 04/08/2025 Professional Development Please note, this session is set at Central Standard Time
This English as a Second Language test pr...
Co-Teaching Models & Strategies for Inclusionary Practices 209062 - 04/09/2025 Professional Development Explore the dynamic and collaborative world of co-teaching with our workshop, "Co-Teaching Models & ...
GT: Differentiation Through Depth and Complexity 210810 - 04/09/2025 Professional Development Improve lesson organization and purpose by exploring the elements of depth and complexity in the TEK...
Bilingual Educators Network/TETN with TEA Division of Emergent Bilingual Support Webinar 214614 - 04/10/2025 Professional Development Monthly hosed webinars with TEA Division of Emergent Bilingual Support followed up with the opportun...
Federal Program Directors Meeting 211299 - 04/10/2025 Professional Development The Federal Program Directors will meet to discuss any updates or topics related to the Elementary S...
Strategically Planning for Success in Elementary Science using TRS 207724 Online Course Participants will learn how to plan their units utilizing the many components and resources TRS has ...
English as a Second Language Supplemental 154 ONLINE 214479 - 04/10/2025 Professional Development Please note, this session is set at Central Standard Time
This English as a Second Language test pr...
SPED Meeting 210640 - 04/11/2025 Professional Development SPED Meeting
TExES Bilingual Education Supplemental (164) 214383 - 04/12/2025 Professional Development Online Session.
Please note the time of the session is Central Standard Time!
This Bilingual E...
190 Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test Cohorts 214391 - 04/12/2025 Professional Development Online Session.
Please note the time of the session is Central Standard Time!
Participants in this...
CTE 209249 - 04/12/2025 Professional Development Career and technical education programs offer a sequence of courses that provides students with cohe...
CTE 209044 - 04/15/2025 Professional Development Career and technical education programs offer a sequence of courses that provides students with cohe...
English as a Second Language Supplemental 154 ONLINE 214480 - 04/15/2025 Professional Development Please note, this session is set at Central Standard Time
This English as a Second Language test pr...
Bus Driver Certification 214245 - 04/15/2025 Professional Development School Bus Driver Safety Certification Training-- state-mandated program to provide training to bus...
190 Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test Cohorts 214392 - 04/15/2025 Professional Development Online Session.
Please note the time of the session is Central Standard Time!
Participants in this...
ISF Introduction & ISF: Getting Started at the School Level 209294 - 04/16/2025 Professional Development In this training, participants learn to define Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF), how to create...
Spinal Certification - TDHS (Zoom) 214679 - 04/16/2025 Virtual PD School-based spinal screening helps to identify adolescents with abnormal spinal curves and refer th...
Transition Strategies - 3 Training Sessions 214136 - 04/16/2025 Professional Development Transition assessments are essential in the transition planning process, following federal and state...
Navigating the Assessment Center 207734 Online Course The TEKS RS Assessment Center will be explored, and assessments will be
created through interactive...
Ready, Set, Rescue: CPR and AED for Families 214770 - 04/22/2025 Professional Development Ready, Set, Rescue: CPR and AED for Families is an engaging, hands-on session designed to equip indi...
Mexican American Studies (MAS): Comunidad de aprendizaje 210856 - 04/23/2025 Professional Development Free Session.
Designing Effective & Ethical Evaluation for Students Who Speak Languages in Addition to English 211826 Online Course This session will cover strategies for collecting and interpreting data when evaluating students
CTE Professional Learning for School Counselors: Fundamental 215199 - 04/30/2025 Professional Development Description: These modules are geared toward experienced elementary, middle, and high school counsel...
CTE Professional Learning for CTE Administrators: Deep Dive – Program Expansion 213767 - 04/30/2025 Professional Development Program Expansion will equip CTE leaders with resources and best practices to inform
CTE program gr...
CTE Professional Learning for CTE Administrators: Deep Dive – Supporting CTE Teachers 213768 - 05/01/2025 Professional Development Supporting CTE Teachers provides an overview of strategies used in the recruitment and
retention of...
CTE Professional Learning for School Counselors: Deep Dive 215197 - 05/01/2025 Professional Development The Deep Dive learning path encourages a more in-depth look at CTE and provides opportunities for le...
English as a Second Language Supplemental 154 ONLINE 214482 - 05/01/2025 Professional Development Please note, this session is set at Central Standard Time
This English as a Second Language test pr...
English as a Second Language Supplemental 154 ONLINE 214483 - 05/03/2025 Professional Development Please note, this session is set at Central Standard Time
This English as a Second Language test pr...
TExES Bilingual Education Supplemental (164) 214384 - 05/03/2025 Professional Development Online Session.
Please note the time of the session is Central Standard Time!
This Bilingual E...
CTE 209250 - 05/03/2025 Professional Development Career and technical education programs offer a sequence of courses that provides students with cohe...
TExES Bilingual Education Supplemental (164) 214385 - 05/06/2025 Professional Development Online Session.
Please note the time of the session is Central Standard Time!
This Bilingual E...
190 Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test Cohorts 214393 - 05/06/2025 Professional Development Online Session.
Please note the time of the session is Central Standard Time!
Participants in this...
Bilingual Educators Network/TETN with TEA Division of Emergent Bilingual Support Webinar 214616 - 05/08/2025 Professional Development Monthly hosed webinars with TEA Division of Emergent Bilingual Support followed up with the opportun...
English as a Second Language Supplemental 154 ONLINE 214484 - 05/08/2025 Professional Development Please note, this session is set at Central Standard Time
This English as a Second Language test pr...
Bliss Tactile Symbols: Another Tool for your AAC Toolbox. 211827 Online Course Bliss tactile symbols are a new generation of tactile symbols that are brought together through
2025 MEP/MKV Commencement 211162 - 05/10/2025 Professional Development We honor our students for their achievements in becoming the next 2025 High School Graduates.
The ...
TExES Bilingual Education Supplemental (164) 214675 - 05/10/2025 Professional Development Online Session.
Please note the time of the session is Central Standard Time!
This Bilingual E...
Transition Strategies - 3 Training Sessions 214137 - 05/13/2025 Professional Development Transition assessments are essential in the transition planning process, following federal and state...
RESTORATIVE PRACTICES 209295 - 05/14/2025 Professional Development In this training, participants build awareness of restorative practices as a tool to develop identit...
YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID 210351 - 05/14/2025 Professional Development Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to instruct teachers, school staff, parents, and family me...
Spinal Certification - TDHS (Zoom) 214680 - 05/14/2025 Virtual PD School-based spinal screening helps to identify adolescents with abnormal spinal curves and refer th...
MS RLA: Literacy Planning to impact students' learning 207876 - 05/14/2025 Professional Development TEKS
Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (CPI) REFRESHER Training 209022 - 05/15/2025 Professional Development *** THIS REFRESHER COURSE IS ONLY FOR INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE TAKEN THE FULL COURSE WITHIN THE LAST CAL...
1st Annual Region 19 West Texas STEAM/STEM Conference 198040 - 05/17/2025 Professional Development Region 19 is excited to present our first West Texas STEAM/STEM conference.
Please note that regist...
190 Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test Cohorts 214395 - 05/17/2025 Professional Development Online Session.
Please note the time of the session is Central Standard Time!
Participants in this...
Mexican American Studies (MAS): Comunidad de aprendizaje 210857 - 05/20/2025 Professional Development Free Session.
CTE 209045 - 05/20/2025 Professional Development Career and technical education programs offer a sequence of courses that provides students with cohe...
TRAUMA-SENSITIVE SCHOOLS 209296 - 05/21/2025 Professional Development In this training, participants learn the current context of student mental health, the relationship ...
ESC 19 Dyslexia Network Meeting .- ONLINE 211201 Online Course In these virtual sessions participants will receive information received from TEA and other dyslexia...
Breaking The Behavior Code 209051 - 05/22/2025 Professional Development When, despite their best efforts, teachers feel defeated by a disruptive student, it seems they're f...
English as a Second Language Supplemental 154 ONLINE 214485 - 05/22/2025 Professional Development Please note, this session is set at Central Standard Time
This English as a Second Language test pr...
Understanding Section 504 Accommodations: Supporting Your Child’s Success in School and Beyond 214077 - 05/23/2025 Professional Development In this session, we will explain what a Section 504 plan is and how it can support your child's lear...
English as a Second Language Supplemental 154 ONLINE 214486 - 05/24/2025 Professional Development Please note, this session is set at Central Standard Time
This English as a Second Language test pr...
TExES Bilingual Education Supplemental (164) 214386 - 05/30/2025 Professional Development Online Session.
Please note the time of the session is Central Standard Time!
This Bilingual E...
YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID 210352 - 06/04/2025 Professional Development Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to instruct teachers, school staff, parents, and family me...
Bilingual Educators Network/TETN with TEA Division of Emergent Bilingual Support Webinar 214617 - 06/05/2025 Professional Development Monthly hosed webinars with TEA Division of Emergent Bilingual Support followed up with the opportun...
ESSA Consolidated Application 214686 - 06/09/2025 Professional Development The Education Service Center- Region 19 will provide information on the ESSA Consolidation Applicati...
Advancing Educational Leadership (AEL) 209128 - 06/10/2025 Professional Development The Texas Education Agency & ESC-Region 13 have collaborated to design a new professional developmen...
K-12 STEM Administrator Training 101 215240 - 06/12/2025 Professional Development This
TEA sanctioned, two-day training will focus on supporting a higher degree of
understanding of...
Title II, Part A 211729 - 06/12/2025 Professional Development This session offers an in-depth exploration of Title II, focusing on alignment with Challenging Stat...
Preparing the Workforce of Tomorrow Career & Technical Education Conference 2025 215405 - 06/17/2025 Conference "CTE teachers, please contact your CTE department from your Central/Administrative Office for regist...
CTE 209046 - 06/17/2025 Professional Development Career and technical education programs offer a sequence of courses that provides students with cohe...
Co-Teaching Models & Strategies for Inclusionary Practices 209063 - 06/18/2025 Professional Development Explore the dynamic and collaborative world of co-teaching with our workshop, "Co-Teaching Models & ...
Unlocking Voices through Writing: The Overlooked AAC Tool. 211828 Online Course Writing, beyond handwriting, is a complex communication process that is learned and shaped
over tim...
T-TESS Appraiser Training (3-Day Series) 209129 - 06/24/2025 Professional Development This three-day, TEA required training is for appraisers of teachers. This session will introduce ap...
K-12 STEM Teacher Training 101 215236 - 06/24/2025 Professional Development This
TEA sanctioned, three-day training is specifically designed to prepare
participants for a suc...
Ethical Assessment and Management of Feeding and Swallowing Disorders in the School Setting. 211829 Online Course Providing safe and adequate nutrition during the school day falls under the purview of the
license ...
Stronger Connections 214514 - 07/17/2025 Professional Development Stronger Connections
Accommodate Special Populations with Digital Resources- ONLINE 211911 Online Course TexQuest- ONLINE
2025 Purchasing Legislative Training 215582 Online Course This session will include information on the new purchasing legal requirements passed during the 202...
SPED Meeting 210643 - 08/07/2025 Professional Development SPED Meeting