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Session Detail


Human Trafficking Youth Prevention Education (HTYPE) Training For School Personnel
Human Trafficking 101, 102 and 103

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) amended its child abuse prevention, mandatory reporting, and educator training requirements to include human trafficking, in alignment with updates to state law concerning the definition of child abuse and neglect (TAC § 61.1051. Subchapter EE. Commissioner’s Rules on Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect including the Trafficking of a Child). ESC 19 is collaborating with 3Strands Global Foundation through a DHHS Federal grant to offer schools in Texas free access to the PROTECT Texas human trafficking training and prevention education program. The trainings are facilitated by ESC personnel.


Active Texas Teacher
Administrative Assisant
Administrator/School Leader
Alternative School Teacher
Assistant Principal
Assistant Superintendent
Auxiliary Staff
Campus Administrator
Campus Attendance Staff
ESC-R19 Staff
Social Worker

Important Session Information:

The PROTECT Texas training offers training modules for school personnel on Human Trafficking Youth Prevention Education.  During the session, participants will identify:

  • Human Trafficking 101- Understand federal definition of severe forms of trafficking in persons; identify possible indicators of sex & labor trafficking; and recognize strategies commonly used by traffickers to groom and recruit youth.
  • Human Trafficking 102- Describe risk and protective factors for youth; recognize indicators of complex trauma; and develop trauma informed skills to help support those that have been trafficked.
  • Human Trafficking 103- Identify indicators of human trafficking, respond to disclosures from youth in a culturally responsive and trauma informed manner; understand the reporting requirements for child trafficking and their role in the process; recognize how prevention education can change everything.
Registration for this session has ended
Session ID:
Credits Available:
(3) CPE
(3) Contact Hours
Seats Available:
Contact Person:
Carolina Flores
Barbara Amaya
Nicole Morales
Date Time Location
11/13/2024 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM Trans Mountain Room

Education Service Center-Region 19 ~ 6611 Boeing Drive ~ El Paso, Texas 79925 ~ Tel (915) 780-5055 ~ Fax (915) 780-5034

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