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Session Detail


Youth Mental Health First Aid
May 2024

Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to instruct teachers, school staff, parents, and family members on how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including AD/HD), and eating disorders.


Special Education Staff

Important Session Information:

Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to instruct teachers, school staff, parents, and family members how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among children and adolescents ages 6-18 who are experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or are in crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including AD/HD), and eating disorders.

Registration for this session has ended
Session ID:
Credits Available:
(6.5) CPE
(6.5) Contact Hours
Seats Available:
Contact Person:
Rocio Bickei
Albert Villa
Rocio Bickei
Date Time Location
5/15/2024 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM REGION 19 ESC - Horizon Room
6611 Boeing Drive, El Paso, 79925

Education Service Center-Region 19 ~ 6611 Boeing Drive ~ El Paso, Texas 79925 ~ Tel (915) 780-5055 ~ Fax (915) 780-5034

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